Decompletion of cyclotomic perfectoid fields in positive characteristic
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 5 (2022), pp. 1261-1276.



Let E be a field of characteristic p. The group Z p × acts on E((X)) by a·f(X)=f((1+X) a -1). This action extends to the X-adic completion E ˜ of n0 E((X 1/p n )). We show how to recover E((X)) from the valued E-vector space E ˜ endowed with its action of Z p × . To do this, we introduce the notion of super-Hölder vector in certain E-linear representations of Z p . This is a characteristic p analogue of the notion of locally analytic vector in p-adic Banach representations of p-adic Lie groups.


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