Small data global existence and decay for two dimensional wave maps
Hexapods with a small linear span
Dispersing Fermi-Ulam Models
$L^p$ Carleman estimates for elliptic boundary value problems and applications to the quantification of unique continuation
Exponential decay of the volume for Bernoulli percolation: a proof via stochastic comparison
Construction of Isozaki-Kitada modifiers for discrete Schrödinger operators on general lattices
Spectral selectors on lens spaces and applications to the geometry of the group of contactomorphisms
A Poincaré-Lefschetz Theorem for Cellular Cosheaves and an Application to the Tropical Homology of Orbifold Toric Varieties
Lee-Yang zeroes of the Curie-Weiss ferromagnet, unitary Hermite polynomials, and the backward heat flow
Critical trees are neither too short nor too fat
Color-avoiding percolation on the Erdős-Rényi random graph
Asymptotic stability of a wide class of stationary solutions for the Hartree and Schrödinger equations for infinitely many particles
Discrete de-Rham complex involving a discontinuous finite element space for velocities: the case of periodic straight triangular and Cartesian meshes
Area preserving homeomorphisms of surfaces with rational rotational direction
A semigroup approach to the reconstruction theorem and the multilevel Schauder estimate
On the convergence of global-optimization fraudulent stochastic algorithms
Fragmentation processes and the convex hull of the Brownian motion in a disk
Generating Sets and Algebraic Properties of Pure Mapping Class Groups of Infinite Graphs
Asymptotics of the smooth $A_n$-realization problem
Freezing in the Infinite-Bin Model
$L_2$ Constructible Cohomology and $L_2$ De Rham Cohomology for coherent $\mathcal{D}$-modules
Holomorphic $\mathfrak{sl}(2,\mathbb C)$-systems with Fuchsian monodromy (with an appendix by Takuro Mochizuki)
Varieties with ample Frobenius-trace kernel
Convergence of states for polaron models in the classical limit