On scaling limits of random trees and maps with a prescribed degree sequence
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 5 (2022), pp. 317-386.


Keywords Random maps, random trees, scaling limits


We study a configuration model on bipartite planar maps in which, given n even integers, one samples a planar map with n faces uniformly at random with these face degrees. We prove that when suitably rescaled, such maps always admit nontrivial subsequential limits as n in the Gromov–Hausdorff–Prokhorov topology. Further, we show that they converge in distribution towards the celebrated Brownian sphere, and more generally a Brownian disk for maps with a boundary, if and only if there is no inner face with a macroscopic degree, or, if the perimeter is too big, the maps degenerate and converge to the Brownian tree. By first sampling the degrees at random with an appropriate distribution, this model recovers that of size-conditioned Boltzmann maps associated with critical weights in the domain of attraction of a stable law with index α[1,2]. The Brownian tree and disks then appear respectively in the case α=1 and α=2, whereas in the case α(1,2) our results partially recover previous known ones. Our proofs rely on known bijections with labelled plane trees, which are similarly sampled uniformly at random given n outdegrees. Along the way, we obtain some results on the geometry of such trees, such as a convergence to the Brownian tree but only in the weaker sense of subtrees spanned by random vertices, which are of independent interest.


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