We develop a calculus based on zonoids – a special class of convex bodies – for the expectation of functionals related to a random submanifold defined as the zero set of a smooth vector valued random field on a Riemannian manifold. We identify a convenient set of hypotheses on the random field under which we define its zonoid section, an assignment of a zonoid in the exterior algebra of the cotangent space at each point of the manifold. We prove that the first intrinsic volume of is the Kac–Rice density of the expected volume of , while its center computes the expected current of integration over . We show that the intersection of random submanifolds corresponds to the wedge product of the zonoid sections and that the preimage corresponds to the pull-back.
Combining this with the recently developed zonoid algebra, it allows to give a multiplication structure to the Kac–Rice formulas, resembling that of the cohomology ring of a manifold. Moreover, it establishes a connection with the theory of convex bodies and valuations, which includes deep results such as the Alexandrov–Fenchel inequality and the Brunn–Minkowski inequality. We export them to this context to prove two analogous new inequalities for random submanifolds. Applying our results in the context of Finsler geometry, we prove some new Crofton formulas for the length of curves and the Holmes–Thompson volumes of submanifolds in a Finsler manifold.
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