On the fundamental groups of commutative algebraic groups
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 3 (2020), pp. 1-34.


Keywords commutative algebraic groups, fundamental groups


Consider the abelian category 𝒞 of commutative group schemes of finite type over a field k, its full subcategory of finite group schemes, and the associated pro-category Pro(𝒞) (resp. Pro()) of pro-algebraic (resp. profinite) group schemes. When k is perfect, we show that the profinite fundamental group ϖ 1 :Pro(𝒞)Pro() is left exact and commutes with base change under algebraic field extensions; as a consequence, the higher profinite homotopy functors ϖ i vanish for i2. Along the way, we describe the indecomposable projective objects of Pro(𝒞) over an arbitrary field k.


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