Hodge decompositions and maximal regularities for Hodge Laplacians in homogeneous function spaces on the half-space
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 7 (2024), pp. 1457-1534.


Keywords homogeneous Sobolev spaces, homogeneous Besov spaces, differential forms, Hodge decomposition, interpolation with boundary conditions, maximal regularity, evolutionary Stokes systems, half-space


In this article, the Hodge decomposition for any degree of differential forms is investigated on the whole space n and the half-space + n on different scales of function spaces namely the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Besov and Sobolev spaces, H ˙ s,p , B ˙ p,q s , H s,p and B p,q s , for p(1,+), s(-1+1 p,1 p). The bounded holomorphic functional calculus, and other functional analytic properties, of Hodge Laplacians is also investigated in the half-space, and yields similar results for Hodge–Stokes and other related operators via the proven Hodge decomposition. As consequences, the homogeneous operator and interpolation theory revisited by Danchin, Hieber, Mucha and Tolksdorf is applied to homogeneous function spaces subject to boundary conditions and leads to various maximal regularity results with global-in-time estimates that could be of use in fluid dynamics. Moreover, the bond between the Hodge Laplacian and the Hodge decomposition will even enable us to state the Hodge decomposition for higher order Sobolev and Besov spaces with additional compatibility conditions, for regularity index s(-1+1 p,2+1 p). In order to make sense of all those properties in desired function spaces, we also give appropriate meaning of partial traces on the boundary in the appendix.

“La raison d’être” of this paper lies in the fact that the chosen realization of homogeneous function spaces is suitable for non-linear and boundary value problems, but requires a careful approach to reprove results that are already morally known.


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